Today artist friend, Diana Pace, sent me the following inspiration:
"All the music I write is a
search for myself." - Bruce Hornsby
"While writing my first book,
I came upon a Buddhist text in which the author confessed, 'I have no
pretension that I am writing this book for any purpose other than my own
awakening.' His candor struck a chord deep within me as I realized that I, too,
write primarily for the healing of my own mind and spirit. Since then, I have
spoken to countless creative artists who agree that even if no one else ever
read their books, saw their paintings, or listened to their music, all of their
efforts would be worth the sheer joy of producing the work. Your right place is
the one in which you are receiving the most edification. The fact that other
people receive a benefit is the icing on the cake. Do what is healing to your
spirit, and without effort you will offer the world healing in return. Direct
me to the work that will feed my soul, that I may feed others. I do what I
love, and the world loves what I do." - Alan Cohen
At this gloriously mature age, as I paint my life, reading such words feels like a group hug. I love my artist friends. Another artist, Reiser, who also lives, hikes and paints in Escalante, has a lavishly outfitted shop. He cut dozens of wood panels between 4" x 4" and 9" x 12" x 1/8" thick -- from a door skin that another local artist, Howard, had layin' around. Now I can mess with paint and not worry about wasting precious or expensive resources.
The twigs you see on the confection below were collected and cut on Lopez Island, Washington. I found them while looking for something else (that's when I find most missing items). I glued them on an 8" x 8" panel weeks ago. And then just yesterday I painted this little aspen pic -- and matched up the two items for a pleasing piece of work. I have totally amazed myself!!! This is number 4 of #70Paintings70Years.
GROUP HUG, 8" X 8" Twig Frame, with 4.5" x 4.5" acrylic palette knife painting on wood panel. |